Summer and Fall 2012

by Graham on November 28, 2012

Post image for Summer and Fall 2012

With the 2012 season finally coming to a close, let’s take a look back on all of this year’s happenings. As usual, Amateur Mycology was extremely busy with all of our usual projects this summer. We were also booked most of the season with Mycotours, our sister company, that provides private guided mushroom foraging with expert [...]


Working with Pine Loving Pleurotus

by Graham on March 20, 2012

Post image for Working with Pine Loving Pleurotus

This quick update will cover our recent project with Dr. Rytas Vilgalys, Professor of Biology at Duke University. Dr. Rytas was kind enough to do some PCR DNA and get an ITS sequence of some of our various collections of Pleurotus that were found growing on pine wood. Over the past 2 years, James and [...]


Written Report of RMC 2011

September 18, 2011
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The following article is from and is a written report all about the recent Radical Mycology Convergence 2011 that was held in Concrete, WA in early September. Amateur Mycology attended the event giving presentations on ‘Green Mushroom Cultivation’ and ‘Forest Floor Cultivation’ techniques. Very soon we will have video clips of the event as [...]

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Post RMC 2011 Interview

September 13, 2011
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James and I just got back on the 7th of September from the Radical Mycology Convergence 2011. One of the organizers of the event got on the local short wave radio station, KOWA, in Olympia, WA yesterday to talk about the RMC and plans for the future. Check out the interview below. A written report [...]

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Telluride Mushroom Festival Report

August 12, 2011
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The 31st Telluride Mushroom Festival, a celebration of all things fungal and entheogenic, was an amazing success this year, with more people attending than in any year previous. Paul Stamets, Valerie Mojeiko, David Arora, Michael Beug, Linnea Gillman, Ron Spinosa, Bill Adams, Gary Lincoff, Larry Evans, along with many others, made this an absolutely amazing event. Amateur [...]

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Snowbank Mushrooms

June 29, 2011
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James and I have been incredibly busy recently with our many, many projects. Unfortunately for you guys, that means we have been MIA from our blog! Well, don’t worry. That is all about to change. While searching for black morels, which have been mostly non-existent this year, we stumbled into some very interesting fungi growing [...]

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Foray on Saturday June 12th

June 7, 2011
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We will be hosting a foray this weekend with our friends from the Arkansas Valley Mushroom Club on Saturday, June 12th. The fearless leader of AVMC, Irv Broudy was kind enough to ask us to lead an expedition into the high country to look for snow melt fungi and hopefully find some black morels! We [...]

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Black Morels Found in Colorado!

May 23, 2011
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While I was working on expanding mycelium I got an excited phone call from James. He said, “You can probably guess why I’m calling…” and I said, “Are you standing in front of some morels?”. “Black morels! About 30 of ‘em!” he said, and before I knew it, I was driving up into the mountains [...]

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Morel Foray on May 22nd for CMS

May 18, 2011
Thumbnail image for Morel Foray on May 22nd for CMS

The Colorado Mycological Society has kindly asked James and I to do a foray for the club this Sunday. We will be searching for the often difficult to find Morchella esculenta, popularly known as the Golden or Blonde Morel. This year has been a very interesting year for weather for the front range of Colorado, [...]

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First Morel Finds of the Colorado 2011 Season!

May 4, 2011
Thumbnail image for First Morel Finds of the Colorado 2011 Season!

As far as we know… which of course isn’t a whole heck of a lot (you are visiting Amateur Mycology after all) we are the first to find blonde morels in Colorado this year. We have video evidence for those of you who do not believe, which we will be posting soon along with pictures! [...]

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